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DeutschLutherstadt Wittenberg




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Seit 29 Jahren (30. Juli 1994) hat Gott uns die Vision gegeben, eine Missionsagentur in El Salvador zu eröffnen, nachdem wir in Pasadena, Kalifornien, den Perspektivkurs im World Mission Center erhalten haben.
Bruder William Torres, der zu dieser Zeit in Los Angeles pastoralisierte und zusammen mit Rigoberto Diguero und anderen Organisatoren Studien für Hispanics im World Mission Center absolvierte, reiste nach El Salvador, um uns als nationale Direktoren der Missionsgesellschaft zu beauftragen EDEHM, eine juristische Person mit Sitz in Kalifornien und AAA-Klassifikation, die seit 1994 als internationale Vertretung EDEHM-Vertretungen in Kalifornien und El Salvador eröffnet. Im Jahr 2020 werden wir 26 Jahre ununterbrochener Arbeit in Büros in El Salvador abschließen.
Wir werden 2020 das tun, was wir immer getan haben: Missionsausbildung, Organisation von kurz-, mittel- und langfristigen Missionsreisen und andere Missionsarbeiten auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene.



Lic. Samuel RodriguezFOTOSERS09

Executive Director.-

















 Freundliche Grüße.


Samuel RodriguezFOTOSERS09
Executive Director.



link http://www.fcjg.de/

Margot2Margot Käßmann
Ambassador of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) for the Reformation anniversary in 2017

Photo: epd-bild/Jens Schulze


Margot Käßmann
Ambassador of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) for the Reformation anniversary in 2017

Photo: epd-bild/Jens Schulze
Margot Käßmann is Ambassador of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) for the Reformation anniversary in 2017. Previously, the former Chairwoman of the Council of the EKD and long-time bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hannover was teaching social ethics and economy as a guest professor at the Ruhr University of Bochum.
Käßmann, who was born in Marburg, has her theological roots in the ecumenism of world-wide Christianity, which was also the subject of her doctoral thesis. As a 25-year-old assistant pastor, she was elected as the youngest member into the central committee of the World Council of Churches. In 1994, she was appointed as general secretary of the German Evangelical Church Congress.
In October 2009, she was the first woman to be elected as the head of the EKD. Since 1999, she had been bishop of the Evangelical Church of Hannover, the largest regional church of the EKD. In February 2010, after driving under the influence of alcohol, Käßmann resigned from all her offices within the church. On April 27th, 2012, she took up her new office as Ambassador for the Reformation anniversary.

MargotOffice of the Ambassador of the Council of the EKD
for the Reformation Anniversary 2017
Assistant of the Ambassador
Swetlana Kasprowiak
Tel:             +49 030 203 55 – 311      +49 030 203 55 – 311



  • Pasaje Pablo Guzman , Colonia Universitaria Norte,
  • El Salvador, Central America
  • Mejicanos
  • San Salvador
  • NONE

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